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Conflict Resolution

We teach-and govern ourselves by-the four pillars of Servant Leadership:


Placing others above ourselves and creating opportunities to serve (not their wants, but…) their needs



Seeking to understand and value the lens through which others view and experience the same events



Developing relationships, sharing experiences, curating learning



Because people happen, because rooted in our best intentions are missteps which erode connections, because leadership is incomplete without it

You’ve made it this far; our vision must resonate with you, so choose to become a part of our coalition! To further our reach, to fulfill our vision, to impact our communities and nation by building up our youth…there is a place for you here.


co . a . li . tion  /  kōəˈliSHən/

noun:  an allegiance for combined action


The Leadership Coalition emphasizes ethical and inclusive stewardship for all funds from all sources: individual, corporate, philanthropic

501(c)(3) status applied for and pending

Our next generation of young leaders will comprise a more savvy base of consumers as well as a more innovative and adaptable workforce. They will lead our nation’s military, businesses, and schools; they will draft contracts, policies, and treaties.


To empower them with the lens of servant leadership, your support is essential. To inquire about how to create a general or specific financial gift; to give support of time or talent; or to arrange an in-kind donation, we will happily work with you to ensure your contribution is invested appropriately.

  • Event or scholarship sponsor.

  • Donation of services.

  • Financial gifting.

  • Volunteerism.

Thank you!

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